Tag Archives: Harold Ramis

Goodbye, Harold

Harold Ramis photo by Justin Hoch

I will miss Harold Ramis. I’ve been interested in his career ever since I found out we went to the same university—though years apart. In addition, I spent many of my formative years in the Chicago area, just like Harold.

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Some of my favorite Harold Ramis movies

This was a man who knew how to do the hard work of comedy and make it look easy. Not only was he funny, but his work was never mean-spirited. It was character-driven comedy, which is my favorite kind. What I appreciate most about it is that it wasn’t the comedy of awkwardness. I’ve laughed at Steve Carell’s character in The Office, but I always felt guilty about it. I seldom (if ever) that way about the characters in Harold Ramis’s comedies. Malcolm Jones wrote a thoughtful celebration of Groundhog Day in The Daily Beast. I invite you to take a look.

If I could even begin to figure out how he managed to do what he did, I’d take a shot at it myself. For now, all I can do is admire him and be grateful for the opportunity to enjoy his work as a writer, director and actor. Thanks for the laughs, Harold. Thanks for Groundhog Day.

A true classic

Rest in peace.